“Discover your destination.”

The grouping of country slogans, or what attracts tourists the most. is a more tangible element in destination branding. Then it is really good to capture the character of the place, its story, differentiate it from competitors and, above all, inspire tourists to want to know more about the destination.

The slogan (next to the logo) is perhaps the most tangible element in destination branding. It is really good to capture the character, the story of the place, differentiate it from the competition and above all inspire tourists to want to know more about the destination and, of course, to travel to that place.

The present study attempts to group the tourist slogans of the countries of the Earth, establishing which are the most typical solutions. The categorization was based on an examination of the slogans of 170 countries, finally classifying them into 11+1 groups. The study also points out that it is better to use a medium slogan in the long term than a new, current slogan every year, since the latter significantly complicates consistent branding. Nevertheless, as it turned out from the study of the slogans of 32 countries, only 9 countries used the slogan already used in 2009 in 2017, compared to 23 cases of slogan changes.

The relevance of the article is also given by the fact that in 2018 the Hungarian Tourism Agency selected the new tourism slogan of Hungary and the slogan proposals received for the competition, and the winning work was also worth investigating.

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